未竟之路 The Revolutionary Road

The Revolutionary Road
single-channel video installation

installation view in Chi-Wen Gallery:the showing 


installation view in Chi-Wen Gallery : The text installation was related to the video's narrative content but divided into five different themes. They were made ​​into each sheet-tear separately information. People were free to take away these messages.

未竟之路 The Revolutionary Road from fanhsiaolan on Vimeo.


The film tells a story about a woman from the city, who travels to the east coast of Taiwan and uncovers controversial land development projects. These development projects exploit the land with disregard to the environment and social community; they sabotage resources and ecological conservation, and defy the rights of indigenous people. The dispute has existed many years and remains unsolvable. It conceals complicated invested interests among government, corporations and local mafia. In the end, these disputes ultimately become the fundamental structural problem of the society.




You have a new approach in making this work, it’s more like a semi-documentary, yet with a clear narrative. Is this your  first attempt? Why choose this direction?

I actually don’t want to categorize my works. I think it is slightly different, but not completely the same. Honestly, I don’t mind people calling it a documentary, video, motion picture or experimental film. I think it is more important for an artist that it delivers the message as intended, and what counts is the audience feedback and response. And from this new work, I want to bring out the truth and the reality, these are the things that truly concern me. I think it has much to do with my own social characteristics and my concept of the work. I like to travel, and I care about
environmental protection, land justice, living justice. I believe living is politics. A man should fight for his basic right, care about the society he lives in and the environment, prepare and be ready to fight against injustice. However, most of the time, we are suppressed by unfairness and we just take it for granted or are forced to fight back
reluctantly. On the other hand, I think human beings should co-exist with every creature on the planet, and we should be humble and self-restricted. 

We often find in the novels that a protagonist from the urban city, travels to the countryside and exploits the rebellion of modernism and escape from reality. In your work, we hear from the entire story of a city woman, is this a reflection of yourself?

I don't have a specific plot set like a novel; maybe it’s a coincidence. But the protagonist is part of me for sure. I believe a person can’t exist alone in the universe, what’s in your mind usually represents a group of people. Therefore, in most of my works, I use the female character—with age and background—to embody many perspectives.

 Many of your works have similar topics on “nature”, ”female” and land justice. From your previous works of Makutaay-Not Only Her Story, The Coast, What they Said to The Revolutionary Road, do you feel any change to the creative process? What is The Revolutionary Road to the whole series? Is it a revolutionary road to you as well? 

The biggest change for me is I know better in what position to live in this world. When I was in art school, making art was about discovering the notion of art. But I feel the notion has changed, so the definition is no longer vital to me. Creation should be established by experience, and should be adapted to living reality. I am trying to combine these two because I think by doing art; it’s a process for the artist to reflect himself or herself. The Revolutionary Road is an experience that allows me to be more certain of using art as a tool to react.
If the process of making art involved my politics of life, wouldn’t a piece of art represent my idea of politics as well?

Q:妳的英文作品名稱為The Revolutionary Road,這來源是有什麼特別的根據嗎?美國作家Richard Yeats著名的小說Revolutionary Road便是透過一名女性來講述60年代美國社會人們對於改變的渴望和對生命空虛孤寂的吶喊。我覺得和影片中妳想表達的無奈有某種程度的聯結。
What is the reference of the work titled The Revolutionary Road? American novelist, Richard Yeats, in his famous novel Revolutionary Road, told a story from a female’s perspective about Americans in the 60s; how they desire change from the loneliness and emptiness in life. I feel it’s somehow related to the message you want to convey in the work. 

I think many of my works are influenced by feminism, I can’t help it since I am a woman. The social structure of this society is dominated by patriarchy, which women are exposed to as part of their upbringing. Actually many of us don’t realize it. I think that is why many of my works come out of feminism. It was somewhat deliberate to choose the same English title, though I think Richard Yeats is more of a sentimental and contradictory author. Like him, I also chose a female voice to expose social repression and the human condition; it represents a silent resistance by the people living on this island.
Moreover, I actually find many people are prejudiced toward feminism, and it’s deeply rooted. The development of feminism has produced a more complicated system than what the binary role of sex suggests. Similarly for art, after the 60s, explosive progress happened in the pursuit of human rights, against capital and class repression, anti-nuclear, against injust treatment of all living creatures, deproletarianization, de-centralization, understanding “differentiation”; no one singular value…etc. That is why feminism is a general term, it is no longer directly related to sex, it’s about anti-suppression and the ability to cast doubt on existing power and value, looking for change and alternatives.